Friday, November 17, 2006

Are you model material? Read on!

I get tons of E-mails everyday from both women and men asking me if they are model material. I also get a bunch of well wanted model applications everyday from potential Skorch Models. Although it is my opinion that beauty can be found in all shapes, sizes, colors etc... It is not my opinion that everyone can be a model. Just like if someone can carry a tune at karaoke, it doesn't mean that they should run out and make an album. Or just because I can bandage my kids when they are scraped up from a fall, it doesn't mean that I should be a doctor. Just because you are beautiful, it doesn't always mean that you have what it takes to become a model. There is so much more to modeling than simply having a pretty face or a great body.

I think a lot of people don't realize that when you are a model, you are a product. A model is used to sell something. Whether it is an emotion, an article of clothing, a hair style, a beauty product or a car, models are used to sell an idea to the consumer. Models are not used to sell themselves. The consumer can identify with the model because of an emotion that is portrayed or "sold", and if that model is seen enough the consumer can feel like they have formed some sort of emotional "bond" with the model because of how well that model has sold the product. But even when the consumer bonds with the model on an emotional level it is really that the consumer is sold on an idea, not the actual model.
When a company looks for a model, they are looking for people that can sell their product effectively. The model must be well polished physically, with very little need of editing. (This is another blog entry.) The model must have smooth and supple skin, (With very few blemishes.) must be of a certain height and shape, have facial and bodily qualities that are unique and appealing to the consumer. The model must also know how to move and pose appropriately, hopefully with very little direction. The model also must be able to convey the appropriate look and emotion that will sell the product the consumer wants. It all sounds so cold and unglamorous, but it's true! I think this is one of the reasons why girls grow up with such poor self perceptions is because they believe that they too should be the product themselves, instead of grasping the concept that models are simply there to sell. (But false self perception is another blog entry)

People don't realize how much work goes into being a great model. Usually the viewer believes that a model just sits there and looks pretty, because what they see is a beautiful image that is still. The truth is that most models have excellent muscle control, and are able to pose and hold poses for extended amounts of time. What you see in print looks easy, but for most people, holding these poses for extended amounts of time would make a novice model very sore and tired by the end of the day! Modeling kind of reminds me of yoga, but for hours and hours on end, while trying to look perfect and achieving that "life in the eyes" look 100% of the time. (Sometimes I wonder. Is that a "life in the eyes" look, or is that just tears? LOL)

I think it's interesting how women and men are wired so differently. Men are naturally visual creatures, while women are naturally emotional creatures. Isn't it interesting that print captures the attention of both the visual and emotional? Done properly, print images are very effective. Women, who are naturally emotional creatures, are attracted visually to images that appeal to their emotional nature. This is why we crave magazines, fashion, makeup ads and perfume ads so much! Print is an amazing tool that speaks to the girl in all of us! Media is not only alluring, daring and seductive, but it also appeals to the inner needs for us women to bond through our femininity! It's only natural that most of us secretly (or openly!) dream of being a model from the time we are little. I believe the same to be true for men, but in a different form.
This is just something to ponder before asking if you have what it takes to be a model. I can't answer that, but I certainly am interested in seeing if you do!

I'm curious to hear your thoughts!



At 7:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well said, I hope to be SKORCH model material some daY!


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